Housing informality and labor informality in space, in search of the missing links

Gustavo A. García, Erika R. Badillo, Juan Manuel Aristizábal

View the Project on GitHub gusgarciacruz/InformalHousingLabor


The Codes folder contains information about the codes in the R language:

Both the Descriptive Statistics and Estimates files use the csv file called DataGarcia_Badillo_Aristizabal.csv. LISA bivariate uses the file Medellin_Map.shp


The Data folder contains the data used:


Slides: Presentation at the 20th IEA World Congress in 2023


García, G., Badillo, E., Aristizábal, J. (2024). “Housing informality and labor informality in space: in search of the missing links”, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, forthcoming
